Take time to play

I’ve asked a number of adults what their hobbies or talents are and shockingly, many grown ups tell me they do not have or don’t know.

In the midst of beating work deadlines, beating traffic, helping with CBC homework, and catching up with what Diana B said on social media, what time is there to discover hobbies or to play?
And as for talents, the spirit of the age is the side hustle. Whatever gifting we discover instantly gets turned into a business.

So at best our hobbies become watching TV on weekends… Or having drinks with friends on Friday night. Or supervising the kids play on Saturday afternoon.

I discovered this week that you do not need to be great at your hobby. In fact you are totally allowed to suck at it.  But if you enjoy doing it, if it adds life to your years, please do it.

I enjoy growing plants. But between my brown thumb and aphids, most of my plants don’t get to glow and grow. I thought of stopping because — what’s the point of growing plants only to kill them? Our gardener once joked that my green thumb is only for aloe vera.

Discouragement has gotten to me more than once. But I keep replanting stuff: onions, chives, cabbage, dhania, aloe vera, lemon grass (I killed lemon grass people, lemon grass!), flowers… I relish seeing them grow. That joy is worth the failed ventures and my fights with blight.

I also discovered I enjoy plaiting hair. Of all things. Yea, and as you guessed, I am at best mediocre. I almost quit it because I need to be good at stuff. But my fingers find themselves in hair. I’m keeping this hobby too.

If like me you say you have no hobby because you can’t find something you are great at, stop looking for perfection and find something you honestly enjoy doing, just. It could be taking long walks. Or running. Or grooming animals. Decorating spaces. Baking. Singing badly. Messing on the keys. Cycling. Road tripping. Making podcasts or vlogs. Taking videos. DIYing. Volunteering in church.
Remember: fun, enjoyable, doesn’t need to impress, done for your own enjoyment

Ps: The science says hobbies keep you interesting, teach you patience, relieve stress, and keep your brain active.